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Metal Conveyor Belt for Automated Disentangling Device

Гру 15, 2016 | Case Studies

A producer of medical inhalers recently contacted Belt Technologies for help developing a solution for a manufacturing issue. The inhalers include in their design a small spring that releases a dose of the medication when actuated. The inhalers are produced in large quantities, which means the springs must be shipped in bulk. Separating the springs for automated manufacturing is exceedingly difficult. Although they had an automated disentangling device specifically for this purpose, their main priority was to increase the ease and effectiveness of routine maintenance within clean room environments.

Specialized Design Makes Maintenance and Sanitization Quicker and Easier

Belt Technologies engineers work with customers to design custom conveyor solutions that will suit their production needs with optimal results. Our team worked with the client to create a stainless steel conveyor for their automated disentangling equipment that would be easy to remove for cleaning and replacement. Past equipment was difficult to maintain, adding costly production delays whenever the belt needed to be sanitized or replaced. The new design by Belt Technologies features a special side cover and interface, which enables technicians to easily disassemble and exchange the conveyor belt within minutes.

Stainless Steel Is Ideal for Medical Equipment Manufacturing and Clean Rooms

Our stainless steel belt conveyors are the optimal material choice for automated medical manufacturing systems. The smooth surface of stainless steel is highly resistant to microbes and bacteria. These belts do not require lubrication and do not generate particulates, making them an ideal fit for clean rooms and sterile environments. In addition, because of their impressive resistance to corrosion, stainless steel is easily sanitized via a wide range of cleaning methods, including strong chemicals and high-pressure steam, if necessary.

Custom Conveyor Belt Solutions

The client is now able to perform routine sanitation and maintenance on the automated disentangling equipment with minimal delays, increasing overall product throughput and quality.

Every automated system and manufacturing operation has unique goals and priorities for a production line. At Belt Technologies, Inc., fulfilling your production needs is our priority. If your automated system could use an upgrade, contact the stainless steel experts today.

Design Guide and Engineer’s Reference for Metal Belts

Industrial Automation MedPharma Infographic
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