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Stainless Steel Belts for Automated Plating

Vertical Carousel Options

Plating is the process of depositing a thin layer of a material, often gold, copper, nickel, silver or zinc, on a product surface. In automated plating applications, vertical conveyor belt carousels are often used to create drip-lines that allow products to hang freely. These drip-lines help avoid damage to the freshly plated surface, ensuring plating benefits like reducing friction or improving wearability, paint adhesion or conductivity are realized.

Often, plating drip-lines incorporate a vertical carousel with perforated belts to hang products as they are transported through the plating process. We have the ability to provide custom-perforated steel belts according to customer design specifications or best practices and industry experience.

Stainless Steel Is Highly Durable for Reliable Plating Preparation

Before the plating process, the product must be prepared to ensure proper adhesion of the plating material to the surface. This preparation can include physically or chemically stripping the product of any other coatings, paint, rust or corrosion. Automated plating manufacturers require conveyor belts that can deliver under these conditions. The belts must also be able to operate in a clean environment, as particulates and debris can negatively affect plating results.

Key Benefits

  • PureSteel® stainless steel conveyor belts are highly resistant to impact and chemical corrosion.
    • Our products can withstand aggressive chemicals and high-pressure washing. 304 FH and 316 FH stainless steel alloys are common choices for such applications.
  • Our products do not require lubrication or generate particulates.
    • This makes them ideal for applications that require smooth and even product finishes.
  • Stainless steel belts can transport heavy and dense products.
    • The high strength-to-weight ratio enables movement of products without warping or breaking them.

To learn more about how PureSteel® stainless steel belts can benefit your automated plating equipment, contact us today.

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